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US$66.11 (S$90.00)

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Retail Price
Quantity Unit Price Total Price
1 US$66.11 US$66.11
Wholesale Price
Quantity Unit Price Total Price
3 US$47.01 US$141.04
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About the product - SOCHIO SET

One set of SOCHIO set includes: 1 x SOCHIO Led mask 1 x SOCHIO Sheet Mask Set (2x gold thread carving masks + 3x silk masks)

SOCHIO LED Mask Leveraging on the latest advancement in modern technology, the SOCHIO LED mask is your at-home facial treatment without the high cost and with the same efficacy. Tested and proven by customers, SOCHIO can help you solve your skin problems within just 5 days with our LED and sheet masks!

This light therapy mask provides you 3 different light colors to effectively treat a multitude of skin problems.

It is convenient, comfortable, light, reusable, and simple to use. It is the ultimate essential product for everyone.

Together with our SOCHIO DUO Sheet Masks, they work hand in hand to tackle all skin problems, reverse aging skin, brightening skin, and give a youthful glowing skin to all.

SOCHIO Sheet Mask Set The powerful duo of facial sheet masks helps to address all your skin concerns and replacing 20 types of sheet masks.

Better instant results applying with SOCHIO LED LIGHT THEARPY MASK A weekly facial regime to unleash the beautiful you.



LED mask has 3 light colors: RED: skin rejuvenation, reduce fine lines & wrinkles, promote collagen production BLUE: eliminate acne bacteria, minimize pore size YELLOW: brighten skin & lighten melanin.

LED mask comes with a 1 year warranty of 1-1 exchange.

SOCHIO Sheet Mask Set * 20 amazing effects in SOCHIO DUO MASK SET: * Antioxidant * Skin Cell Regeneration * Minimize Pores * Inhibit the growth of bacteria * Restore youthful appearance * Treating Acne * Soothe Skin * A Slimmer “V” Shape Face * Anti-Aging * Firming Skin * Anti-Inflammatory * Accelerate skin healing process * Calming Skin * Inhibit the growth of acne * Reduce wrinkles * Hydrating Skin * Increase skin elasticity * Revitalize skin * Lightening Skin Pigmentation

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